Manual therapy involves hands-on techniques to treat different musculoskeletal and neuromuscular problems. This healing technique aims to relax muscle stiffness, promote circulation to injured area, mobilize affected soft tissues and joints, and restore range of motion so the patient can return immediately to his/her normal routine.
Joint Mobilization
Gentle pressure is applied to the affected joint to encourage movement and regain its ROM while reducing pain and restoring its function.
Soft Tissue Mobilization
This involves massage, myo-fascial release, and stretching to relax tense muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia.
Realigning joints with the use of high velocity, low-amplitude thrusts to relieve pain and promote joint mobility.
Muscle Energy Techniques
Improving joint mobility and increasing its flexibility through active or passive stretching of muscles.
Myofascial Release
Application of gentle sustained pressure to the fascia in order to release restrictions and promote tissue mobility.
If you believe you could benefit from high-quality care, consider getting treatment from the staff at Wellness First Medical Center. Our dedicated staff will be pleased to answer your questions today. We can also help you schedule a time to visit our Dickinson, TX office.
Call Us: (281) 337-3337 to make/change your appointment Or email us at:
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